Address and Buildings
Hevur tú tørv á skjalprógvi fyri, at tú ert skrásett/ur á tínum verandi bústaði, kanst tú fáa eina bústaðarváttan. Tú kanst taka hana niður ella biðja um eitt frumrit, sum verður sent til tín við vanligum posti.
Hevur tú tørv á skjalprógvi fyri teimum bústøðum, tú hevur verið skrásett/ur á, kanst tú fáa eitt bústaðayvirlit. Tú kanst taka tað niður ella biðja um eitt frumrit, sum verður sent til tín við vanligum posti.
Prísurin fyri grundstykkir verður ásettur fyri hvørja útstykking sær.
Grundstykkini á Grótbrúgv eru byggibúgvin og íroknað prísin er gjald fyri íbinding í vatn og kloakk.
If you are organizing an event that brings together a large number of people for example a festival, outdoor concert or bicycle competition, you must send an application to the municipality and the police. It is important that you start to communicat with the municipality and the police at least 14 weeks before the event take place, as both parts must have the time to investigate the circumstances and process the application.
Your application must be sent no later than 14 weeks before the arrangement is scheduled to take place.
In this self-service you can order a printout of field survey measurements for a specific property. A field survey measurement is a detailed map that shows the lengths, set property lines, what is perpendicular, etc.
Before ordering a field survey measurement, you must know the address or the land register number of the property in question.
Home loan interest subsidy is a financial support scheme that grants homeowners interest subsidy to reduce the interest they are required to pay on their home loan.
Please check and change if necessary your priorities with regards to where you wish to live and the size of the flat, so that you have a correct and updated list of flat priorities.
In this self-service you can apply for the marking of property lines. Through marking property lines the boundary between two or more properties is set.
The application will be processed in accordance with Sections 29-35 of the Legislative Act no. (Løgtingslóg) 64 of 11 December 1962 on land registration and subdivision, etc. When applying for Marking of Property Line there is a starting fee of 5.000 kr. required.
Anyone who wishes may have the boundary against neighbouring property confirmed and marked.
Marking of property line rights can be grouped in two:
1. when boundaries have disappeared, and the owners wish to have them reinstated;
2. if the boundaries are uncertain, or the parties disagree on where the boundaries are.
Depending on your need for a flat now or in the future, you can change your membership status to be active or passive. If you want to receive offers for a flat, you must choose to be an active member. If you do not want an offer for a flat at the moment, you must choose to be a passive member.
You can apply for local social flats here.
The social committee of Tórshavn Municipality will estimate your need according to the application and decides who is offered a flat.
If you own a private road in the Tórshavn Municipality, you can apply for the Municipality to take over the road and the administration of the road.
Landowners that own private roads or part of a road are responsible for the road's upkeep, according to the police authority in the Tórshavn Municipality.