Her á vanganum hjá Undirvisingarstýrinum ber til at søkja inn á útbúgvingar í Føroyum. Í fyrsta umfari er møguleiki at søkja hægri útbúgvingar á Fróðskaparsetri Føroya.
Í sjálvgreiðsluni kanst tú velja millum tríggjar ymiskar útbúgvingar eftir raðfesting. Tú kanst søkja gjøgnum kvotu 1 ella kvotu 2. Tú sleppur tó bara inn á eina útbúgving.
To qualify for a study loan, you must be a student, be 18 years of age or older, and receive monthly financial support from Studni.
Student loan interest subsidy is a financial support scheme that grants students interest subsidy to reduce the interest they are required to pay on their student loan.
As a student in the Faroe Islands, you may apply for a grant from Studni, provided you meet certain criteria.
Here you can apply to move/change to another school. Also if you are new in The municipalty of Tórshavnar kommunu and in need of school. You can choose from prep school to 9th grade.
Read more about moving/changing schools (in Faroese)
The travel grant aims to support Faroe Islanders that study abroad in their return to the Faroe Islands upon completion of their education. Once a year, Faroese students and their children are given financial support, giving them the opportunity to visit the Faroe Islands.