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Day- and Evening Offers
Application for day and evening support

There are four different offers for pensioners that cannot participate in the offers that the Health and Welfare Support usually offers elderly citizens, e.g., Tilhaldið.

The offer at Stjørnulon and Tjarnarlon is for pensioners diagnosed with dementia.

The working and training rooms are for national pensioners who, psychologically, socially, and understandingly, can actively participate. 

Day and evening support is offered according to needs and, therefore, must be applied through an application. 

Read more about Day- and Evening offers (in faroese)


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FarGen - Sign Up
FarGen2 - Sign up

The purpose of FarGen is to collect biospecimens from Faroese individuals to promote research into disease prevention and treatment. FarGen collects background and health data and conducts genomic data of Faroese individuals, which will be gathered in a database for genetic research. The background data is retrieved from the questionnaire, which you can fill in here.

FarGen 2 started in April 2022. All Faroese individuals who are 18 years or older can participate - also if you participated in FarGen 1 (2016-2018). For more information see

Procedure for the participation: 

  • Read the FarGen 2 information material (see below).
  • Fill in the FarGen questionnaire (see below).
  • Book an appointment to give a blood sample and other examinations at
  • Meet to give blood sample etc. and sign the consent form.
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Occupational- & Physiotherapy
Application for occupational- and physiotherapy

Occupational and physiotherapy is an according-to-need service, and if you are a national pensioner in Tórshavn Municipality, you can apply for this. 

You and an expert will estimate what occupational and/or physiotherapy offer suits your needs. If you have a particular wish for your offer, then you can mention this in your application. It is the expert estimate that decides the offer that will be confirmed. 

Read more about occupational- and physiotherapy (in faroese)


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Order Medicine
Útflýggjan av heilivági

Her kanst tú biðja um at heilivágur o.a., sum er útskrivað til tín, verður koyrt heim til tín av Posta, verður avheintað á apotekinum ella avheintað í pakkaboks.

Í sjálvgreiðsluni sært tú yvirlit yvir heilivág o.a., sum er útskrivað til tín.

Tú kanst velja, um tú vilt hava allan heilivágin í einum ella ikki.

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Power of Attorney
Umsókn um fulltrú

Í hesi sjálvgreiðslu kanst tú søkja um at fáa, geva og strika fulltrú. Fulltrúin fevnir um: 

  • At síggja heilivágsupplýsingar
  • Útflýggjan av heilivági 
  • Broyting av leveringsadressu
  • Endurnýggjan av reseptum*
  • Bíleggja heilsukanning*
  • Tilmelding til skamtan *
  • At síggja kalendarahendingar frá Apotekinum*

*Hesar tænastur eru ikki tøkar á Vanganum í dag, men eru í menning og verða fevndar av fulltrúini, tá tær verða tøkar. 

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Power of Attorney to Mínboks
Umsókn um fulltrú til Mínboks

Í hesi sjálvgreiðslu kanst tú søkja um at fáa, geva og strika fulltrú til Mínboks

Hendan fulltrú gevur heimild til at umsita Mínboks vegna annan persón. Hetta merkir, at fulltrúin fær atgongd til allar hentleikar í Mínboks hjá fulltrúveitaranum, undir hesum at lesa, svara og strika brøv.

Hendan fulltrú er óavmarkað í tíð og er galdandi inntil hon verður strikað.

Mínboks inniheldur brøv, ið eru persónlig og kunnu innihalda trúnaðar upplýsingar.

Hendan fulltrú er ætlað til persónar við einari privatari relatión og er ikki ætlað at verða nýtt í starvshøpi, t.d. millum starvsfólk og viðskiftafólk, kunda, búfólk, klient o.l.

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Residence for Seniors
Application for Residence for Seniors

In Torshavn Municipality, there are eight elderly care homes; this includes nursing homes, care homes and elderly house shares. Settlement is administrated according to needs. This means that there are three types of settlements in Torshavn Municipality:

  • Settlement for citizens with elderly disabilities and nursing needs.
  • Settlement for citizens with elderly disabilities and more significant nursing needs.
  • Settlement for citizens with dementia. 

You can be appointed accommodation if you are a pensioner that requires help or nursing throughout the day. In particular circumstances, accommodation may be provided to citizens not yet pensioners, such as a citizen with dementia.
The citizens with the greater need for help will be prioritised. The allocation of accommodation is bound by availability; therefore, it is not possible to request an accommodation in a particular home. 

Read more about settlement for welfare and nursing (in Faroese)

Kunning til borgarar um dátuvernd í samband við búpláss

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Short Term Residence for Seniors
Application for short-term accommodation

Stay-at-home pensioners that need short-term accommodation have the opportunity to apply. Urd and the Dementia department in Tjarnargarður provide short-term accommodation.
The purpose of this service can vary; this can be for rehabilitation, re-training, estimating needs, respite care and palliative care.

Read more about short-term accommodation (in Faroese)

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