Heilsustýrið skipar heilsufakliga økið í Føroyum og veitir granskingargrundaða ráðgeving við støði í føroyskum heilsu- og samfelagsviðurskiftum. Málið er at fáa yvirlit, kunnleika og byggja upp eitt grundarlag fyri heilsufremjandi átøkum. Heilsustýrið umsitur tilbúgvingina í føroyska heilsuverkinum og ger vegleiðingar til heilsulóggávu og tilmæli til myndugleikar og stovnar.
The purpose of FarGen is to collect biospecimens from Faroese individuals to promote research into disease prevention and treatment. FarGen collects background and health data and conducts genomic data of Faroese individuals, which will be gathered in a database for genetic research. The background data is retrieved from the questionnaire, which you can fill in here.
FarGen 2 started in April 2022. All Faroese individuals who are 18 years or older can participate - also if you participated in FarGen 1 (2016-2018). For more information see www.fargen.fo
Procedure for the participation:
- Read the FarGen 2 information material (see below).
- Fill in the FarGen questionnaire (see below).
- Book an appointment to give a blood sample and other examinations at www.fargen.fo
- Meet to give blood sample etc. and sign the consent form.
A registry of the hereditary relationships among the Faroese. The Multi-generation Register contains information regarding Faroese genealogy from app. year 1650 to date. App. 149.000 people are listed in the register.
In the Genealogy Registry, you are able to see an overview of your ancestors, going back in a direct line. The name of the persons will only appear when the person is over 100 years.