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Subsidies and Expenses

Add Money to Account
Add money to account

You can easily add money to the tunnel subscription on the self-service.

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Confirm the monthly payment
Verify the monthly payment

Here you verify that the information, you have registered, is correct.

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Confirm Unemployment
Confirm unemployment

In order to continue to receive unemployment benefits, it is necessary that you confirm that you are still unemployed.

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Create Minimum Income
Monthly payment

The monthly payment system is a monthly payment, which is supplied to persons who are registered in Landsfólkayvirlitinum with a Faroese address, and who are fishing from decked boats on the Faroese territorial waters with Faroese registered fishingwessels that are 110 ton or less.

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Culture Grant
Choose service provider
The service is offered by multiple service providers. Please choose your service provider:
Dual Household Subsidy
Application for dual household subsidy

Dual household subsidy is a financial support scheme for individuals who, for work-related reasons, have two places of residence. 

Read more about dual household subsidy on

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Environmental Grant
Application for environmental funding

Individuals, businesses, foundations, and societies can apply to the Municipality for environmental funding. The rules and regulations for funding are that you either live in the Tórshavn Municipality community, or the project provides for the environment in the Tórshavn Municipality.

The application, at the latest, must be with Tórshavn Municipality by the 31st of March of the funding year.

Read more about environmental funding (in Faroese)

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Health Insurance Exemption

Um tú arbeiðir í øðrum Norðurlandi og rindar sosialtrygdargjøld har, kanst tú søkja um at verða frítikin at rinda heilsutrygdargjald í Føroyum. Hetta er sambært Løgtingslóg um almenna heilsutrygd § 24, stk. 2:

"Persónar, [...] sum rinda heilsutrygdargjald í øðrum Norðanlandi vísandi til Nordisk Konvention om social sikring, [...] kunnu eftir umsókn verða undantiknir gjaldskyldu..." 

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Partial Reimbursement of Child Support
Stuðul til uppihaldspening

Er tær álagt at gjalda uppihaldspening til meira enn eitt barn ella hækka barnagjald, kanst tú søkja um stuðul til uppihaldspening.

Rindar tú beinleiðis til uppihaldaran av barninum, skulu kvittanir viðheftast umsóknini.

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Partial Reimbursement of Spousal Support
Stuðul til hjúnafelagagjald

Er tær av tí almenna álagt at gjalda hjúnafelagagjald til fyrrverandi hjúnafelaga, skildan ella sundurlisnan, kanst tú søkja um stuðul til tað her.
Rindar tú beinleiðis til viðkomandi, skulu kvittanir viðheftast umsóknini.

Hendan sjálvgreiðslan er ikki til stuðul til uppihaldspening vegna børn.

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Registrate trip settlements
Register trip settlements

In this self service you can quickly and safely execute the trip settlements for the monthly payment.

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Unemployment Benefits
Apply for unemployment benefits

You must fill in this application form to determine whether you qualify for unemployment benefits. You are also required to submit a copy of a resignation/dismissal letter to/from your last employer. Additional documentation may be required.

You must also answer various questions and provide details of your work history, education and your preferred type of work.

You qualify for unemployment benefits from the day you become unemployed, provided that you can verify your unemployment. You cannot qualify until ALS has received a written notification from you or you have started filling in this form.

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VAT Refund for Heat Pump System
VAT return for heat pump system

If you started using a heat pump system after the 1st of January 2017 you can apply for a VAT return.

In 2025, 75% of the value-added tax will be refunded. In 2026, 50% of the value-added tax will be refunded. In 2027, 25% of the value-added tax will be refunded. In 2028 and subsequent years, the value-added tax will not be refunded.


1) To qualify for a specific year's refund level, the work must be completed and paid for that year. If the work is completed during a change of year, the later year’s refund level will apply.

2) If the work is completed after the 1st of January 2024, a copy of the receipt from IRF or the local disposal site regarding the disposal of oil-fired equipment must be submitted in addition to the application. This is applicable when installing a heat pump system in homes and buildings that previously used oil-fired heating equipment.

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Work in Nordic Countries (N101)
Umsókn um N101

Til persónar, ið fara í annað norðurland at arbeiða uttan at flyta bústað og sum velja, at verða sosialt tryggjaðir í Føroyum, og harvið kunnu fáa undantak frá at gjalda sosiala trygd í arbeiðslandinum.

Er ikki galdandi fyri Danmark og Grønland.

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