Update my Information
In this self service you can add a vehicle to your subscription. Several vehicles may be associated with the subscription. However, please note that it's not possible to add a Faroese rental car to the subscription.
Um tú arbeiðir í øðrum Norðurlandi og rindar sosialtrygdargjøld har, kanst tú søkja um at verða frítikin at rinda heilsutrygdargjald í Føroyum. Hetta er sambært Løgtingslóg um almenna heilsutrygd § 24, stk. 2:
"Persónar, [...] sum rinda heilsutrygdargjald í øðrum Norðanlandi vísandi til Nordisk Konvention om social sikring, [...] kunnu eftir umsókn verða undantiknir gjaldskyldu..."
If, for some reason, you are no longer available for work and thus no longer qualify for unemployment benefits, you must report this to ALS.
Her ber til at fráboða eitt akfar sum tú eigur/hevur átt. Til ber eisini at senda rætting um eitt nú tíðarskeiðið ein hevur átta akfarið er skeivt, ella um akfarið er skrásett við skeivum liti.
Í hesari sjálvgreiðslu kanst tú skráseta broytingar í einum báti, sum tú eigur. Skalt tú til dømis broyta navn á báti ella broyta heimstað, kanst tú gera tað her. Broytingarnar verða síðan góðkendar og skrásettar í Farskránni.
If any information about you is incorrect, you are free to send corrections through this ‘help site’. The site is only meant for making corrections to existing registrations. This site is not meant for changes.
Proof of identity is always required when making corrections in the People Registry.
You may also give notice of residency to foreign parties. Bear in mind, that such a notice is not a legally binding registration, but it is a service, we provide.