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Vága kommuna

Office hours and phone service at Vága municipality is from Mondays to Wednesdays from 10 - 15, Thursday from 10 to 17 and Fridays from 10 to 13

Address Certificate
Address Certificate

If you need a Address Certificate you can get it here. You can download the document or you can request an original certificate. The document will be sent to you by mailed to your home address.

Click on Go to Umhvørvisstovan and you will be directed to Umhvørvisstovan that administrates Address Certificates.

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Address Overview
Address Overview

If you need Address Overview you can get it here. You can download the document or you can request an original certificate. The document will be sent to you by mail to your home address.

Click on Go to Umhvørvisstovan and you will be directed to Umhvørvisstovan that administrates Address Overviews.  

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Application for permission to light a bonfire

Please note that you must obtain approval beforehand if you plan on having a large bonfire for New Year's Eve or any other of your interest. However, small bonfires for cooking or other outdoor activities do not require approval.

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Building Permit
Building Permit

Before starting a building construction, you need to apply the municipality for a building permit.

You are not allowed to start building until you have receive a permit from the municipality. When you apply for a building permit it is important that people with the necessary qualifications will do the drawings and calculations. That is an architect, constructor, technician or others that the municipality estimates to meet the requirements.

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Child Care
Child Care

If you're interested in enrolling your child in a kindergarten, preschool, or after-school club, you may make the application through Vangan. 
 To get a place for your child, at least one parent and the child must be registered as residents in Vága Municipality. However, if you plan on moving to Vága Municipality, you can apply up to six months in advance.
We recommend applying early to ensure availability and to help the municipality with its planning.
Please note that the municipality may need to collect personal information to process your application. Rest assured that Vága Municipality follows all laws regarding collecting and using private data from citizens. If you want to learn more about these laws, you can find additional information here  (in Faroese)

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Child Care - Cancellation
Uppsøgn av dagstovnaplássi

Hevur títt barn ikki tørv á sínum dagstovna-/frítíðarskúlaplássi longur, er tað tín ábyrgd at boða kommununi frá. Hetta kanst tú gera í hesari sjálvgreiðslu. 

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Culture Grant
Umsókn til ítróttar- og mentanarstuðul

Vága kommuna setur á hvørjum ári pening av til ítróttar- og mentanarstuðul.

Endamálið við ítróttar- og mentanarstuðlinum er at stuðla verkætlanum, tiltøkum og átøkum, sum ríka og menna mentanarlívið í kommununi.

Fyri at viðgera umsóknina er neyðugt hjá kommununi at viðgera persónsupplýsingar um teg. Øll málsviðgerð hjá kommununi er fevnd av dátuverndarlógini. Kunning um dátuvernd er at finna her.

Umsóknir verða viðgjørdar tvær ferðir um árið. Freistirnar at søkja mentanarstuðul eru tann 1. mars og tann 1. september. Umsóknir verða viðgjørdar á fyrsta nevndarfundi eftir hesar tíðarfestingar.

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Free Childcare
Søk um frípláss til dagstovn

Umsókn um frípláss til barn á dagstovn
Hevur tú barn í kommunalu ansingarskipanini, kann tú søkja kommununa um frípláss.
Tað kann veitast fult ella partvíst frípláss, alt eftir inntøku. Frípláss skal søkjast av nýggjum hvørt ár, í seinasta lagi 1. juli. Verður umsóknin latin inn eftir henda dag, verður møgulig játtan galdandi frá 1. í mánaðinum, eftir at umsóknin er móttikin.
Tú hevur skyldu til at boða kommununi frá varandi broytingum í inntøkuviðurskiftunum og øðrum viðurskiftum, ið skerja rættin til fíggjarligt frípláss.
Gjaldið kann javnast afturvirkandi til tað mundið, tá viðurskiftini hjá tær broyttust.
Fyri at viðgera umsóknina er neyðugt hjá kommununi at viðgera persónsupplýsingar um teg. Øll málsviðgerð hjá kommununi er fevnd av dátuverndarlógini. Kunning um dátuvernd er at finna her

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P-tal Certificate
P-tal Certificate

If you need proof of your Personal Number you can get a P-tal certificate. You can download the document or you can request an original certificate. The document will be sent to you by mailed to your home address.
Click on Go to Umhvørvisstovan and you will be directed to Umhvørvisstovan that administrates P-tal certificates.

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Office hours and phone service at Vága municipality is from Mondays to Wednesdays from 10 - 15, Thursday from 10 to 17 and Fridays from 10 to 13
